77 Willsmere Rd, Kew VIC 3101
Phone: 03 9853 3221
Email: info@kewhealth.com.au
Mark Wells - Naturopath & Counsellor
Mark has over 30 years-experience in private practice as a Naturopath. Prior to graduating in Naturopathy, he completed a Biological Science Degree (BSc) at La Trobe Uni. He then worked in Special Education for five years at the old Kew Cottages.
While maintaining a private practice and caring for his two children, Mark lectured at the Southern School of Natural Therapies for 14 years, completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Qualitative Research and conducted formal research into Rescue RemedyTM at Victoria Uni. He has published five books on natural therapies, completed his Master of Social Science (MSoc.Sc) in human relations/counselling at Swinburne Uni, and for a time co-facilitated Mindfulness groups as part of Geelong Hospital’s Chronic Pain Management programme. He also completed a Stillness Meditation Therapy (SMT) Teacher Training Course.
As a therapist, Mark has integrated all the skills he has acquired along the way and applies them with the wisdom he has gained from many years in private practice. His approach is the definition of holistic and his empathic understanding is felt by his clients. He identifies the causes of your physical health issues, treats them, and enables you to attain mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
Mark’s naturopathic ‘tools of the trade’ are drawn from many health modalities in which he has expertise, including Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Flower Essence Therapy, Nutrition, Iridology, Counselling and Meditation Therapy. He has successfully treated MOST HEALTH ISSUES.
Mark has a special interest in the health of Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs). As an HSP himself, he gains great satisfaction from assisting other HSPs – adults and children – to live physical and mentally healthy, contented and productive lives which make room for their sensitivity and respect their depth of feeling and perception.