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About Naturopathy


The body possesses an inherent ability to heal itself. Methods used by Naturopaths to overcome illness are therefore those that restore and promote the body’s own normal and OPTIMUM function. They provide advice, guidance and natural medicines tailored to the individual’s needs based on their dietary and nutritional requirements, their lifestyle, their physical symptoms, vitality and well-being, and iris diagnosis.


The iris gives the Naturopath, who is trained and experienced in Iridology, great ‘insight’ into the physical, emotional and mental constitutional make up of an individual. Significant signs can be recognised in the iris well (often years) before the symptoms of medical disease develop. The iris not only displays inherent strengths and vulnerabilities but also the presence and location of inflammation, the vitality and state of the nervous system, acid/alkaline levels, mineral needs and the degree the patient is responding to treatment.


Natural Medicine


The Natural Medicines used by Naturopaths are:


  • Generally safe & without side-effects – Non-Toxic

  • Assist the body to heal itself – Non-Habit Forming

  • Encourage the body to function at its optimum (not just be symptom free) –Improve Health & Well-Being.


Can Naturopathy Help Me?

Just some of the conditions Naturopathy has treated successfully in people of all ages include:


  • Sinus, Hay Fever, Asthma, and Respiratory Allergies/Sensitivities

  • Female Health – Menstrual Cycle, Fertility, Pregnancy & Perinatal Health

  • Menopausal Health & Well Being

  • Most Digestive Complaints (including food allergy/intolerance)

  • Hyper-Sensitivity

  • Nervous Tension and Stress Related Issues

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Immune System Weakness & Disorders

  • Headache & Migraine

  • Skin Conditions

  • Arthritis & Rheumatic Complaints

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